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cz barrel is starting to rust


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let it warm up to room temp then and only then clean and oil it. Remove light rusting with 3 in 1 type oil and the very finest grade steel wool (not too light an oil WD40 etc. or you will start to take down the bluing). while the gun is colder than air temp condensation will occur. Is your safe warm and dry?

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make sure they are stored in a dry place/safe,wipe down with oily cloth,if rust is not heavy,a good wipe down with oily cloth should remove it,lightly rub oil on all metel parts before storeing



let it warm up to room temp then and only then clean and oil it. Remove light rusting with 3 in 1 type oil and the very finest grade steel wool (not too light an oil WD40 etc. or you will start to take down the bluing). while the gun is colder than air temp condensation will occur. Is your safe warm and dry?



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Your better off with a green plastic washing up scouring pad with your standard gun oil and giving it a light rub down.

No real difference if you get the grade correct, green abrasive cloth as mentioned also comes in super aggressive grades so care in all things. I used to re-grain stainless after welding with a green, as can be witnessed by the metal "ball of swarf" type kitchen scourers you might just as well pick up a "mean green"
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No real difference if you get the grade correct, green abrasive cloth as mentioned also comes in super aggressive grades so care in all things. I used to re-grain stainless after welding with a green, as can be witnessed by the metal "ball of swarf" type kitchen scourers you might just as well pick up a "mean green"

Good point. Sometimes less is better.

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