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Blow pipes are S5??? How about pointy sticks?


Blowpipes are, sticking poles aren't.


Thats why it took so long to find a home for two spanking tranq rifles and blowpipes. I tried every zoo in the UK, RSPCA etc etc after my old man retired and asked me to help get rid!


Funny to look at his conditions on his FAC, 'for the killing or capture of dangerous animals' :yes: (some say my father was Burnley Daves psychiatric nurse)

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I know very little of sect 5 and 7 and what not but i would have thought that security firms such as G4S could claim a "need" if they did security at high profile events. This is only my guess though!


No. The Home Office guidelines state they will not issue firearms for security purposes to outfits like G4S, banks, whatever.


I read once that in NI there were on issue about 12000 firearms for personal protection. I doubt if any of them were, or are, for Stirlings, Scorpions or Sten guns.

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I thought it was the hyperdermic darts that were controlled? How is a blowpipe different to a pipe?


I would t trust G4S with a spud gun !


Nope, for certain blowpipes are S5, what do you mean by a pipe?


Obviously the drugs are controlled too.

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I can't see a valid reason for anyone to ever need one. I would like to try one at a range purely because it's the gun my grandad had when he was on guard duty in the sewers canal when he did his nation service but it's not something I'd ever want to own.


bicy i suspect your grandad would have been carrying a Stirling not a Sten during the "SUEZ" crisis :)



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