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Neighbouring keeper dogging our woods


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1844 ??? game act. I think this gives you the power to make a citizen's arrest under the pursuit of game act, you can then detain the offender for up to 12hrs before handing him to the police at a time convenient to you ! zip tie him and leave him in your dog kennel over night.

tell him you tend to stick to the letter of the law......it might be best if he do's the same.

don't stand for trespass its not fair, we all work hard for our birds he needs to aswell.

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Dog his birds towards you and feed hard and diesel around his feeders

I personally Wouldn't go down that route, all well and good feeding hard and near boundaries, but starting with diesel is crossing the line I'd say, would it pass as criminal damage even?

Had it happen to our small shoot a few years back where the neighbouring keeper did this to a very small piece of our wood that held a few of his birds, I can safely say it's been a very strained relationship, at best, ever since this was discovered.

If the keeper persists to dog in, I'd suggest you just keep feeding the boundary, you will pull more in than he will dog back. (I'm sure your bag returns proves this)

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