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Anyone have a November "Sporting Shooter" magazine?


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Although I subscribe my copy has been sent to recycling by the current mrs ilovemyheckler!


If anyone does I am after a copy (emailed pdf would be fine) of the gundog training article regarding the stop whistle.




Be great if you could share the wealth once finished?

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Many thanks to sky gipsy, article received and printed.


What a great little community PW is.


BRNDL, its a great little article and as I have an ess puppy arriving early in the new year this will be very useful. If you want a copy let me know or I could attach it to this thread but not sure about copyright stuff etc?

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Many thanks to sky gipsy, article received and printed.


What a great little community PW is.


BRNDL, its a great little article and as I have an ess puppy arriving early in the new year this will be very useful. If you want a copy let me know or I could attach it to this thread but not sure about copyright stuff etc?


See PM

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