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At what point does a S2 shotgun become a S1?


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No doubt someone will be able to clarify this in one sentence but it had a mate and me in something of a quandary.

I have just bought a S1 shotgun which is at a local RFD having been sent there from another RFD. I don't want another S1 so am having it crimped to S2 requirements.

A mate and me went through to have a look at it and found the choke was seized in the barrel.After removing the barrel we eventually got the choke freed by applying a bit of heat and found the threads were rusty red but not corroded. Mate suggested taking the barrel home to give a good clean but RFD said as it was S1 it wouldn't be a good idea.

Now whether my RFD is right or wrong in this matter isn't my question; my question is: This barrel is no different in any way to that belonging to a S2 shotgun of the same model. The only difference between S1 and S2 of the same model isn't even the length of the magazine, but the capacity of the magazine. Now which part/s of this gun would I be in illegal possession of if taken home without the authority for that S1 shotgun on my certificate....bearing in mind I have a SGC? The barrel? The magazine? Which parts of this gun qualify it as a firearm and not a shotgun? None on their own?




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Always best to play it safe, and go with what the gunsmith says.

Have you got 2 slots for s1 shotguns?

Only have the one slot, which is taken, which is why the gun is at the RFD's. All I have is the Winchoke which looks slightly oval shaped now! Thanks for the replies folks, anyhow.

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If you read the Acts carefully, you'll see that there is a slight difference, in that s2 parts can be held without benefit of a shotgun certificate. NOT the whole gun, though. Very interesting argument. Some police get very excited. Technically, if you have a s1 shotgun and the barrel will only fit that gun then, it's s1. However, (can of worms open at this point) .... If you have a s1 and s2 shotgun both of which can take the same barrel and the barrel has a separate s/n which is not listed on your FAC then, one might argue that it can be deemed to be s2. A friend has a s1 pump with two barrels. The police have asked him to have both on his FAC but neither have a number on them, so how do you identify them as s1? Personally, I think that, separate from the gun they are s2. With the gun, s1. Crazy, crazy!



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