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223 or 22-250

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+1 for the 223 then. realisticly i would like a .243 but as i dont have a deer perm the flo has said no .243 for the now!


Thanks for the reply


A .243 caliber is now accepted as a 'fox caliber'. I had one after stating I wanted it for foxes, then later on, I had a variation and then used it for stalking.

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A .243 caliber is now accepted as a 'fox caliber'. I had one after stating I wanted it for foxes, then later on, I had a variation and then used it for stalking.

Sadly not in Cheshire. I asked for a .243 for fox at last renewal, explaining I was taking up stalking and would reduce to a .17 hornet and a .243 to do all I needed.

I now have a .22, .17 hornet .223, and 243/.308 on my ticket. 2 guns more than I really need. ( They will allow a .243 or .308 for stalking and vary to suit).

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Sadly not in Cheshire. I asked for a .243 for fox at last renewal, explaining I was taking up stalking and would reduce to a .17 hornet and a .243 to do all I needed.

I now have a .22, .17 hornet .223, and 243/.308 on my ticket. 2 guns more than I really need. ( They will allow a .243 or .308 for stalking and vary to suit).

Home office guidelines suggest .243 for fox and a lot of people do use them. In my opinion it is a better option than the .22-250 as it is more versatile.

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Sadly not in Cheshire. I asked for a .243 for fox at last renewal, explaining I was taking up stalking and would reduce to a .17 hornet and a .243 to do all I needed.

I now have a .22, .17 hornet .223, and 243/.308 on my ticket. 2 guns more than I really need. ( They will allow a .243 or .308 for stalking and vary to suit).

The firearms department were, at first, reluctant to allow me a .243 caliber for fox, even stating at one point that it was ' too big a caliber' I contacted BASC, and they sorted it for me within a week.

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The firearms department were, at first, reluctant to allow me a .243 caliber for fox, even stating at one point that it was ' too big a caliber' I contacted BASC, and they sorted it for me within a week.

The problem with firearms departments is they have no idea of calibres, ballistics or anything else gun related. A dead fox is dead whether it is shot with a .22 or a .270 so the 'too big a calibre' argument is a load of rubbish. As I said in post #30, there own guidelines suggest .243 for fox. Why do we have home office guidelines for the various firearm departments to refer to and them not using them? How does someone with no experience with guns tell us that something is or isn't suitable for what we actually know about? I know this doesn't cover everyone such as those new to the sport but having had firearms from an early age and using them day in day out in connection with our jobs (some people) it seems to be a bit insulting telling us that .243 isn't suitable for foxes when we know they are and the HO guidelines know it also. When will we get all licencing teams singing off the same sheet and get some FEO's with some education about the subject they are trying to enforce.

Edited by r1steele
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There is some weight behind a gun being too big to be granted for a dedicated fox rifle, I have had bigger than the .243 listed for fox but I should ever wish to take any of them lamping and to be fair varmint type bullets are thin on the ground above 6mm. Thing is you need "good reason" if your fields are only 200yds long you have no good reason for anything bigger than a .223 rem really and truthfully. I have a dedicated Foxing .243 win and don't bother with it unless its windy or I want to wait out at low light covering a large expanse and I have high hilly ground were the wind rips through and you can shoot further than you can see. Most lamping is well sub 200 yds despite claims to the contrary. To be fair that can be done with a .22 Hornet - As long as your not up against it weather wise, 150 is a doddle and still a long way to call safe at night

I once asked the FEO "were the heck do you lot get all this rubbish?" I got the answer "you shooters" - "ok fair enough" what the heck else could I say :whistling:

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Have to say Norma do 110 grain bt in the .270. On a windy night I wouldn't think twice about using it over the .22-250. Dead is dead and backstops are needed whatever caliber.


I mentioned in another thread my friend uses his 30-06. Suppose there's a lot to be said for getting good with one rifle



For the record I don't do a lot of lamping. The farm next to my house that I do shoot is v windy though :lol:

Edited by wildfowler.250
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Have to say Norma do 110 grain bt in the .270. On a windy night I wouldn't think twice about using it over the .22-250. Dead is dead and backstops are needed whatever caliber.


I mentioned in another thread my friend uses his 30-06. Suppose there's a lot to be said for getting good with one rifle



For the record I don't do a lot of lamping. The farm next to my house that I do shoot is v windy though :lol:


And you can get 95 grn v-max in 6.5mm etc. Like I say thin on the ground, that's not they don't exist you can get 110 grn for 30 cal. just try finding them when you want them. Had .308 win and 7-08 rem listed for fox myself, it aint easy getting right stuff . Backstops are backstops but at night I am totally stuffed if I can see a rock hidden in the grass at 30 yds let alone 100+, I think many of us have had that creepy feeling of "were the heck did that end up" like they say stuff happens " . Not about removing the risk with lighter frangible bullets just managing it as much as practical a safe shot is a safe shot non the less like you said as have I myself many times. Case in point I never lamp with deer bullets these days and drop down to a fast 55 grn 6mm whenever there are stock in fields nearby and take great care on backdrop directions.

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