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Middle finger protector.


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Was talking to a guest a week ago who told me he couldnt shoot SBS guns as the trigger guard smacks his middle finger. Well i have shot a small 20G in the past and it had a little rubber thing behind the trigger guard to protect the middle finger from this problem. I was trying to explain this device to the guy in question but i couldnt find one advertised anywhere in the mags i had to show him.


Anyway just found it on ebay and if you have a SBS that smacks your finger then this could be usefull.





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True enough, the stock on my SBS fits fine and i don't have this issue.


My shooting budy's grandad has a 20 bore aya rust bucket and after a fruitless outing with the airguns a few months ago we did some clays with his grandad's gun - Its very small. He has a little rubber thing such as the one in the image on the trigger guard. I didn't know why it was there at first. Two weeks ago due to someone taking my gun to the wrong place on a pheasant day i had to borrow a sbs that was not mine and experienced my middle finger being smacked by the trigger guard ( i was very selective of the birds i took on that drive )


A week later i met a guy who told me that this was the reason he couldn't shoot the sbs his father had given him. I was trying to describe the bit of rubber guard thing to him but couldn't think of where you would get one from. Just looked on ebay and found one.


good temporary solution for the problem i guess, but i suppose if the stock is too short, you probably wont hit a right lot with it anyway.

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