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CZ Varmint .17HMR


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Finally completed some work with the rifle. Although it was a good shooter from the box and performed flawlessly on rabbits and crows I felt it was capable of a bit more.

Took the barrel and action from the stock and sanded the barrel channel out using a rough grade of glass paper wrapped around a long 17mm socket to truly make the barrel a free floater. Before hand it was pressing on the right side of the stock about 2/3rds the way down from the action frame.

Next the bedding of the action was tackled using isopon repair putty down in the depths of the stock where the action screws pull the works down into position in the stock. Similar I suppose to fibre glass bedding but without the hassle. A good layer was applied, not too much to prevent 'oozing' once the screws were were tightend down. The underside of the action was coated with vaseline to prevent it being bonded in place forever. Once the Isopon had cured the action was removed and cleaned up then reinstalled hopefully for the last time. The gun was then zeroed in at 50 yards and after 4 shots was banging em on top of each other.

The gun was shot from a bipod, steady blow from right to left so left windage alone, ammo was Hornady 17 grain tipped and the scope used a BSA sweet 17, brilliant bit of kit as it's calibrated to the characteristics of the above round and all you do is dial in the range from the top turret once the windage is zeroed



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Looks like you got a good BSA i was going to get one but heard to many bad things althought theres a lot of good things said about them in the end i went with a Mueller APV which seem to be the best scope out there for under £180


Are those hawke medium match mounts???


I've the same ones but my scope hasnt come yet so i wasnt sure if it would fit but seeing yours it should be fine

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Cheers chaps

Ive same target with coins for reference, as you can see the top shots of the right 100 yard bull and and 150 yard diamond are just ouside the 'boundry'

Forgot to add that a brookes trigger kit from South Yorrkshire shooting supplies was fitted and although no shim tubes were required the second trigger spring in the kit was fitted to lighten the let off.

Lots of time was was taken between shots concentrating on breathing and sight picture and trigger release and with the benifit of a bipod.

Hardly replicates the hunting field conditions but was done to see what the rifle was capable of, at least now when a shot is missed I can't blame the rifle :yes:


The mounts are medium height as the objective is 44 mm on the scope, this leaves about 3mm between it and the barrel. The sweet 17 was brought back from the states by a work colleague, nice crisp image at all mags and as mentioned the elevation turret is calibrated to the drop curve of the Hornady 17 tipped round which is all I've got on with. Also the AO adjustment seems pretty accurate with the sight picture actually becoming sharp at the set range, unlike some other scopes I've owned. The 20 grn CCI hollow points were blowing all over the place. Haven't tried any others as of yet.



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Very good groups - looke like its maybe 7" drop from 100 to to 150 yd?


Thats a tad under 2 mildots - and comparable with my Quad/15" barrel, like you I seem to get 3 or 4 tight and one or two near, but my groups are a tad bigger at 100yd, about 40mm. I don't do target shooting apart from zero checking and feel happy at that grouping.


I've not checked group sizes at 150 yds - My scope/eyes aint good enough to see the tiny bullet hole, but I knock 40mm square bricks of white painted wood off the top of my target block while prone with a bipod.

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