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old winchester aa 28g

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Slightly off topic I know, but I've shot most of the Pheasant season with a 28 bore this year... I fancied a little more of a challenge away from the normal 12 to 20 bore downsizing scenario!


The BP handbook lists a cracking load of 32 grains Lil Gun under 7/8 oz shot in a plastic wad doing some 1540 fps. Using nickel plated Italian 6 (UK 5) shot from Siarm, I've had some absolutely cracking shots... 50 birds in total to the 28 bore before I changed back to the 12 bore (and fibre wad!) for the late season challenges.


A write up on BP states that the 28 has become mighty (and loud)... and it wasn't until I was pegged next to an old barn and the echo came back and hit me that I realised just how loud (as fellow guns and beaters had been commenting on all season)!!!


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