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4 days with Grasshopper :)


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me and Jay had four days with Grasshopper

Left last Thursday morning in the storm and within half an hour into the journey Jay says look at that HGV its on 2 wheels , i look to the left and have a brown pant moment only to see it get back on 4 wheels after 100 yrds :w00t:

Then within 100 yrds its back on two wheels , im thinking do i accelerate or brake :hmm: foot down and im gone from danger :D

Got to the A1 and seen the damage it done coming down the country as we past 4 wagons on there side :wacko:


Got to Jeff's and headed straight out for a stalk , the conditions wasn't the best but we tried and Jeff did his best to put us on deer and to be fair we seen 4 in bad conditions so hopes was high .

Friday morning stalk seen a frosty start not easy walking on frosty leaves (think walking on cornflakes) seen a few more but they were away before we spotted them :( so ended up at the farm house for a coffee and chat .

When chatting Jeff mentioned i love Lasagne to the farmers wife and after heading back before we got home the farmer rang inviting us all for tea and yes lasagne was on the menu , apple crumble for afters :yahoo:


Headed out Friday evening for a stalk but still in difficult conditions and ended up bumping the deer again :/ back to the farmhouse for the evening meal and i will say they made us feel so welcome (great family and great home cooking )

Jeff your a lucky ****** to have friends (farmers) like that :yes:


Friday evening saw us out after a fox but we went against everything Jeff does and went old school with a lamp :lol: Put the caller out by the bait station and after an hour with nothing showing Jeff said we will have a round of the field and call it a night . we spotted a pair of eye's and Jeff started to get the Jimny into position only to stall it :whistling: Got going again and in position, on the rifle lamp on and told Jeff to leave light on as the Fox seemed calm , as it past a v in the tree it stopped bang :shoot: fox down at approx 100yrds and a first with Jeff's new riffle :lol:

Saturday was a friendly shoot day amongst friends with the shottie's let the lad shoot most of this and he bagged a pigeon and a pheasant .

Sunday morning saw us back out stalking but no joy , back for breakfast then headed home with some great memories :yes:

Thanks once again mate your a star :good:


A few pic's for you







Must of tired the poor lad out :lol:



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:lol::lol: good write-up Rob

Stalling the Jimny was part of the plan to lull the Fox into a false sense of security :whistling: worked didn't it B)


On the Saturday we only had an hour before meeting for the shoot.We had lamped a Deer in 1 of the cover crops whilst looking for Fox on the Friday,so went back before 1st light and stalked into position.This was to be Jay's shot.

Light broke and we glassed the bankside..nothing so we moved from tree to tree with the wind in our face only to see a Horse and rider stop,look into the cover crop then move off...i turned to Jay and said"think they've bumped the Roe" sure enough the Roe Doe ran down the bank,stopped behind a Hawthorne Tree in front of us before setting off again out of the cover crop and stopping in the grass field,side on in front of Rob who had stayed back :rolleyes::/


Mark new rifle is a Sako 85 Hunter .243....oh and i'm getting used to Rob shooting things with my rifles before i do.Last time he was here he got 2 Roebucks in 10seconds...jammmy sod :yes:


Highlight of the walk around shoot was when the captain unknowingly said to 1 of the guns.. "take Margaret in the bottom" meant bottom of the wood of course but she went a nice shade of red :lol:


Picture of me is when Rob was telling us all how he's the best shot on the Crown Shoot and his dog's the best....understandable reaction eh?? :yes:


Was great to have the 2 of you up,was a laugh a minute and your welcome anytime :good:

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:lol::lol: good write-up Rob

Stalling the Jimny was part of the plan to lull the Fox into a false sense of security :whistling: worked didn't it B)


On the Saturday we only had an hour before meeting for the shoot.We had lamped a Deer in 1 of the cover crops whilst looking for Fox on the Friday,so went back before 1st light and stalked into position.This was to be Jay's shot.

Light broke and we glassed the bankside..nothing so we moved from tree to tree with the wind in our face only to see a Horse and rider stop,look into the cover crop then move off...i turned to Jay and said"think they've bumped the Roe" sure enough the Roe Doe ran down the bank,stopped behind a Hawthorne Tree in front of us before setting off again out of the cover crop and stopping in the grass field,side on in front of Rob who had stayed back :rolleyes::/


Mark new rifle is a Sako 85 Hunter .243....oh and i'm getting used to Rob shooting things with my rifles before i do.Last time he was here he got 2 Roebucks in 10seconds...jammmy sod :yes:

Have you still got your .22-250 or got rid of it?Lets have some new pics of your Sako then?

Highlight of the walk around shoot was when the captain unknowingly said to 1 of the guns.. "take Margaret in the bottom" meant bottom of the wood of course but she went a nice shade of red :lol:


Picture of me is when Rob was telling us all how he's the best shot on the Crown Shoot and his dog's the best....understandable reaction eh?? :yes:


Was great to have the 2 of you up,was a laugh a minute and your welcome anytime :good:

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:lol::lol: good write-up Rob

Stalling the Jimny was part of the plan to lull the Fox into a false sense of security :whistling: worked didn't it B)


On the Saturday we only had an hour before meeting for the shoot.We had lamped a Deer in 1 of the cover crops whilst looking for Fox on the Friday,so went back before 1st light and stalked into position.This was to be Jay's shot.

Light broke and we glassed the bankside..nothing so we moved from tree to tree with the wind in our face only to see a Horse and rider stop,look into the cover crop then move off...i turned to Jay and said"think they've bumped the Roe" sure enough the Roe Doe ran down the bank,stopped behind a Hawthorne Tree in front of us before setting off again out of the cover crop and stopping in the grass field,side on in front of Rob who had stayed back :rolleyes::/


Mark new rifle is a Sako 85 Hunter .243....oh and i'm getting used to Rob shooting things with my rifles before i do.Last time he was here he got 2 Roebucks in 10seconds...jammmy sod :yes:


Highlight of the walk around shoot was when the captain unknowingly said to 1 of the guns.. "take Margaret in the bottom" meant bottom of the wood of course but she went a nice shade of red :lol:


Picture of me is when Rob was telling us all how he's the best shot on the Crown Shoot and his dog's the best....understandable reaction eh?? :yes:


Was great to have the 2 of you up,was a laugh a minute and your welcome anytime :good:


Thanks mate hopefully get back up in April to get Jay his first Roe ;)

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