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Oil leek


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I almost thought it was a Welsh car for a minute.

I thought the same, those leeks are are nasty vegetables .


It's fairly normal to see some seepage of oil around inter cooler hoses with age. You could try just tightening the hose clips and see how you go. Just keep an eye on oil level.

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I had a stone puncture my intercooler hose on a Nissan qasqai , it took the engine out and Nissan wanted £5500 to put a new one in I told them to **** off and they replaced it under warranty, 30k later the second engine blew, lesson is never buy a Nissan , the mechanic said the 1.5 was no where near as bad as the 2.2. Change the hose ASAP it shouldn't take the turbo if it's early enough Nissan have quite a noisy turbo so see if you can hear it whistle above 1500rpm, if you can't it's a gonna , the 2.2 is a reasonably pokey engine so you may not notice it has gone

Edited by sishyplops
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I would say turbo on the way out, might take a month or two before it blows, but blow it will....I had the same problem with an Xtrail...Nissan didn't want to know about the oil leak from the intercooler whilst the warranty was still in force, said we can't see anything,it was nothing to bother about...Guess what, warranty expired and shortly afterwards so did the turbo...With initially a sound like a police siren,followed seconds later by a very nasty rattle and vast clouds of smelly blue smoke.


Nissan then quoted approximate cost for replacement of £1700+ but they said they couldn't be specific about how much it would cost and it would certainly cost more....This was five years ago prices and I no longer have a Nissan.


Apparently its a known problem with Xtrails in the motor trade..Ask a Nissan mechanic if you can find one who'll talk to you........when the turbo starts to go, it dumps lots of oil into the intercooler..hence the oil leak from the corner of the intercooler flange.


I got mine fixed by a local Garage in the "Good Garage" scheme for £1100 who explained all about it to me....I wouldn't touch a Nissan main dealer again with a barge pole.

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I would say turbo if there is oil dripping onto the runway get it checked ASAP there should never be that amount of oil in the induction side of an engine, small traces yes but not dripping!!


If there is enough oil in the inter cooler the engine could run on the oil and will just keep revving up till it goes bang!!


I have seen this happen on a few occasions when turbos have been replaced in the workshop and the inter cooler has not been cleaned out or replaced ,the engine will simply keep going till it blows there is nothing you can do but watch and think of a good fib to tell the customer Lol!!!!

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Turbos are common enough, not to particularly dear, an original OE unit Not through Nissan will set you back 450 ish, plus fitting


Sumps have a tendency to rust through and leak bad, I'd check that first, if you had a turbo passing oil bad enough to cause the leak your seeing then you'd be bellowing out smoke too

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Right let get a few things straight, if the air filter is clogged it's cause is nothing to do with a failed turbo, however a clogged air filter could cause the turbo to over work!

All intake systems will have a small amount of oil in them(usually a thin film with may be a slight build up in places), this comes from the crankcase gasses which are vented to the intake pre turbo, a clogged air cleaner could possibly cause the intake system to draw more through the crankcase as a result and in turn increase the amount of oil present

A turbo which has a failed oil seal will dump oil through the combustion side of the engine resulting in excessive smoke, noise and sometimes loss of power, accompanied by rapid oil usage

Nissan x trails are notorious for the sumps to rust through, I'd be checking that first!

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