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Phobia of dentists


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No, I was butchered by an Auzzy dentist from Danbury when at school as in the 70's they drilled for cash not to save your teeth....

There was a SA dentist who was my first private diving student back many years ago and he worked in Danbury for a while...He gave me loads of broken dental picks which I still have for servicing scuba equipment as they are great for removing tiny O-rings!



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In the last 13 yrs I have paid private once for a tooth pulling as everytime I have gone to the dentist even from been a kid something goes wrong and it's never in my favour.

My wife talked me into going to her and the kids dentist over Christmas as I had toothache from a loose tooth,

I went for a consultation at Christmas £20.00 all went well.

I went again last week for the tooth pulling and a checkup £50.00 all went well.

Been today for the scale and polish.

After the 1st couple of teeth all was going well then ~

His hand got caught and cut on the cleaning machine putting blood all over the place.(5mins to find a plaster).

Then low and behold the compressor packed in half way through.

Moved rooms after 20mins and restarted.

Suction pipe in that room didn't work so drooled all over and had to keep spitting in sink.

Anaesthetic started wearing off so injected me again on pulling out the syringe his thumb must have still have been on the trigger squirting up my nose.

Needless to say my face feels like I have had Botox ,and my teeth are starting to hurt,

But he wants me to go again on the 20th to do it all again then 3 months after this.

If you where wondering why I stopped going to the dentist in the 1st place it was because my last dentist got charged with manslaughter for unfortunately giving a young boy too much anaesthetic who later passed away god bless him...

Rant over hope everyone has a nice weekend :)


Man up, you poof.

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Man up, you poof.

your talking to a Yorkshireman mate not someone that goes out wearing white stilettos and Starts crying when there front garden gets a bit of water in and wants the world to stop ;) toothache is not nice hope you get it someday kind sir :) Edited by delburt0
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Man up, you poof.


Another Poof here - absolute white terror to go to the dentist - even considered self extraction before!! Could perhaps have something to do with only finding out at the age of 20 that you could have anesthetic!! and it seems I have to have 2 or 3 shots before my teeth are even vaguely numbed!


Previously I have tried to use a dentist who does general anesthetic - but I can't find one around here! Apparently it can be fatal, better that then being awake for the dentist - that's how bad it makes me feel!


Anyone know any good dentist in the Southampton area!!!!!!!!!

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I tend to find I go for my six month checkup and I have no problems no pain the dentist has a good look and most of the time it is ok but I will need to give you a quick de scale so after a short time I leave the dentist spitting blood and then have all of my teeth hurting for the next six weeks until the scale the comes back I think that I will say next time not to bother with the de scale.


I have to say delburt0 you had me falling off my chair when I first looked at what you said about your visit to the dentist I hope it works out better next time. :lol:



I should add I have a NHS dentist so have to do as I am told and go every six months to stay on there books I cannot afford to go privet

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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