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Hats off to Sussex Police


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I've got to say I'm very impressed - due to a 'mix up' my partner had left her renewal a bit late. Not only did Sussex proactively call her, AND then make a prompt appointment between Christmas and New Year....... her new certificate landed on the doorstep on Friday!!!


So hats off to Sussex Police for wow...well....outstanding service!

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Hats off again - almost can't believe it - my SGC renewal and newly applied for FAC landed on my door mat this morning. So that's 2 weeks (AND over Christmas) for my partners SGC and 3 weeks for the whole enquiry thing for me. I thought I'd have to wait quite a while. Positively chuffed to bits.

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Nobody ever says " well done to the guy in mcdonalds for getting my order on time" or " well don't to b and q for doing their job properly " or even " well done to British gas for getting the gas to me" so why do people feel it nessecary to praise the police when they do their job properly? Is it because we view them as incompetant usually?

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Nobody ever says " well done to the guy in mcdonalds for getting my order on time" or " well don't to b and q for doing their job properly " or even " well done to British gas for getting the gas to me" so why do people feel it nessecary to praise the police when they do their job properly? Is it because we view them as incompetant usually?


It all comes down to manners chap, and if I'm treated well I treat people well in return.


We could sit here and be miserable so and so's or be positive. This is a shooting forum but if my local hydraulic supplier were on here I might say thanks yet again for some excellent customer service at Christmas. Do as you would be done by.

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