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Further Security questions

Salop Matt

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Windows were mentioned by the OP


You can replace the glass with laminated units for all the downstairs rooms. Just a bit more delay to any intruders.


Did you see Fungi's alarm on benefits street!?


You rarely see broken windows in break ins these days due to DNA. To change d/g units on the average downstairs will cost a lot and is not compatible with b/regs on safety glazing on doors and adjacent windows. You could get a monitored alarm fitted for less I bet

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I have two alarms one inside and one out they both phone me if anything detected the outside one has no audible alarm the indoor does not a guarantee by any means but I know they are there before entry is gained and can at least be on my way home.also the outside alarm can phone up to 8 numbers so plenty of scope.

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with regards to removing the trigger group as the OP asked, my feo led me to believe that this is completely fine.


i currently only leave my barrel for my s/a in the cabinet as its too large to fit. the bolt assembly is in another safe, and the stock and action are elsewhere again.


although it is a complete pain to do it this way, it is legal.



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Last week 4 shotguns were stolen in the local area to me and its got me thinking, what more can I possibly do to deter criminals from my house?


We have an alarm and a Smart Water system in place, we had good strong modern doors and plenty of lights and alarm sensors etc, But the week point on any house is always going to be glass.

So what else can be done to keep scum bags out, And what attracts / catches the attention of criminals ?


Also want to know where I would stand with my 2 shotguns...... They are a pump action and a semi auto, when locked in storage would it be legal to remove the trigger mech`s and have them hidden elsewhere so if ever anyone did get in and did take the guns they would be useless to the robbers ? Am also going run a good steel cable through them to try and stop there removal.





Absolutely 100% legal and also sensible my guns that have detatchable trigger groups are never stored or transported with triggers fitted.atb

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Can't beat having a dog about the house, I've got a alarm on every door and window..,


But my fox terrier goes mental if he hears a sound at night...12:30am the other night he was screaming at the front door..turns out the police chased a stolen moterbike near my house and chased him on foot thru our close..


I think a good alert dog is best..I guess that's why scrap yards have big savage dogs in there yards..


I also have a panic alarm fitted next to the bed, so if I hear a smash or something in my house at night I can set the alarm off, was more for my wife when I'm on nights...

Edited by archie1234
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