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flight line/roost shooting 22nd feb

hedge hunter 1984

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I agree. I've gone out expecting to shoot over 100 and done exactly that. The best day I had numbers wise, I only expected to kill maybe 30 or 40. We ended up shooting 340. This is a fantastic sport and you never quite know how things will turn out. You've learned a lesson, too. Always take far more cartridges than you expect to use. I normally take 500 just to make fairly sure I have enough.

its something I normally always do my dad use to take the micky saying what do you need all them for you wont shoot all them in the 4 Saturdays. but the 1 time I didn't take the 240 I normally do I needed them! so yep I will always make sure I have them now.


Ps that is some shooting you did pal

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That's and awesome bag! Makes me really excited to get out there, I just don't know where there is yet... lol


My advise to you pal would be make sure your equipped to shoot a good amount but don't go thinking every time you go out you will get a big bag, pigeon shooting just doesn't work like that.But the main thing enjoy it and if 1 day you get 1 pigeon just think the next time you could get 100,but being out with the gun and dog is better than stuck in the house

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