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I think that the overall cost would be silly... and unless you have a large press machine your looking at it being very timely....



personally even if they did /do offer this I would still buy in boxes/bricks.

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Knowing that Rimfire cartridges can not be reloaded I can not see any point in trying to load my own cartridges. The factory ammo is dirt cheap and hits where it needs too. The HMR is deadly accurate and the LR Subs hit well enough at the ranges they are used.


I really can't see any point in it.

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Rimfires are made in their billions, and this is why factory ammo is relatively cheap and accurate.


There is no way that an amateur with his home reloading kit could ever hope to achieve any cost benefits, plus the quality control required in measuring out tiny quantities of powder etc would be very, very fiddly.


This reply is not a put down - I have reloaded centre fires in 0.22 Hornet, 0.223, 22-250 and 0.17 Rem, where there are some cost savings plus an improvement in accuracy potential compared to factory ammo.


Sorry, but a good idea killed by practicalities.



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Fair comments guys I was just wondering that was all.


Knowing that Rimfire cartridges can not be reloaded


Axe presumably thats only because you can't reload the primers such as in centrefire that's why I was wondering if you could buy brass allready primed if it was possible.



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It would be quite unsafe to reload rimfires, as hard serfaces could set the primer off under pressure. The rimfire primer is suprsingly powerfull itself, and will push a .22 half way up the barrel or more without any powder.


Also dealing with such small amounts of powder is what an extremley expensive factory machine does very accuratly. (Not Remington subs though) :huh:


So as suggested above, I would stick to factory ammo. I dont think you can even buy any rimfire reloading kit, let alone rimfire bullet heads and primed brass.

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