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The Ukrainian Army


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They are indeed brave men, who have shown immense courage and discipline under extreme pressure and provocation.


What happens next though?


I remember seeing the news report of about 300 Ukrainian Air Force personnel walking onto their base, only to be stopped by armed Russian military, who fired over their heads. What stood out was the comment from one of the Ukrainian airmen, who said, "We have America behind us, we have the whole world behind us".

Those men must now feel completely let down and abandoned by the US, NATO, the UN and of course the EU. What they do next is anybody's guess, but without the support they so obviously expected who could blame them if they were to throw in their lot with the Russians?

And what of the thousands of protesters waving their national flags, alongside the flag of the EU in Kiev and other western Ukraine city's. What now for them? Have their dreams of closer links with Europe been sacrificed for German gas and French arms deals? It seems so.

If I was one of those who had protested, and seeing the impotence of the EU in this crisis, I think I'd be throwing my hand in with Mad Vlad.


Thoughtful stuff - I think this is a good summary of the present position.


My guess - and it is no more than that - is that Crimea will become to all intents and purposes a part of the Russian federation whereas eastern Ukraine will remain a part of the Ukraine. It has been interesting to see in Donetsk and other cities that the Russian "majority" have not had it all their own way and that, generally, the security force are remaining loyal to the new government in Kiev.


If that state of affairs continues, it gives at least some confidence that things may well calm down and for all the bluster that Putin has shown, I believe that he IS rattled by the depth of and unity of opposition from the west towards his hard line and bullying attitude.


Let us wait and see.....

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Remember, it's "Thai Ukraine".



I was watching about the Ukraine on the news when this first came on I think that I was eating my dinner at the time so perhaps changed and was talking about Thailand when I looked away or they got muddled up with there films as they do at times anyway I am sorry if I got it wrong the point that I was trying to make was those crowds was not nice young men just shouting they was pelting the police with petrol bombs and large stones.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I was watching about the Ukraine on the news when this first came on I think that I was eating my dinner at the time so perhaps changed and was talking about Thailand when I looked away or they got muddled up with there films as they do at times anyway I am sorry if I got it wrong the point that I was trying to make was those crowds was not nice young men just shouting they was pelting the police with petrol bombs and large stones.

Was just a wee play on words ;)

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Totally agree, I've worked alongside soldiers from most other NATO armies and the Ukrainians though not members of NATO appear to be every bit as professional.

As one pro to another - you have got it spot on - unfortunately when I was soldier, they were a part of the opposition.


would be dead glad if they were a part of NATO in the future.

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