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Load all prices???

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Hi all.


Im toying with the idea of getting set up to re load my 12g cartridges. 2 reasons really save few quid and Id enjoy doung it and knowing carts im shooting are my own.



Anyone any ideas what sort of money Lee load all jobbies go for 2nd hand? Had a look around and cant really get any idea.


Many thanks.







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hi bazza , let see if i can sum it up a bit for you , i have been reloading or about a month . i does give you a buzz making your own cartridges . i used to fly fish a lot and dressed my own flies.

i have only done 20 bore at the moment, these are some of the things i have learned so far.


american powder is dear for a pound tube of american you can get a kilo of europian stuff.

cost of powder to be shipped to you is dear cos of hazardous goods . cost about £30 post on top of what you have to pay for powder.


primers come under the same rules but they are about £9 to ship to you .

there is a place in Italy to buy stuff from like wads in plastic and fiber.and its very cheap even after shipping cost.


there is a place in doncaster that does reclaimed shot, its on ebay its about £1.30 ish but you have to collect or get some one to collect for you its only about a size 7 shot .you then need to coat it with graphite powder to stop it sticking together.


you need some electonic scales i got some of ebay for about £12 ish.


there is loads of data for powder you wish to use .

think you should deside what size you want to load and stick to one powder.

if you can get your stuff like powder primers and lead shot local that is going to be a big saving . the powder i am using comes from a guy in kent .


read this then ask more questions .

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Wow that's an amazing reply thank you. In light of that I think ill make some enquires locally to see if I can get stuff. As you say if I have to pay high postage it'll prob end up making it pointless.


It doesn't have to give huge savings, in fact id happily do it if it cost a bit more as I imagine it would be very relaxing and incredibly rewarding.

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Most local rfd's stock powder and primers, don't worry about hazardous shipping costs as they may not apply if you can source locally.


Shotshell reloading is a great extra addition to the hobby and very necessary in some cases

Very necessary if you use anything other than 12 bore. Remington 10 bore cartridges are about £1.20 each. I can load my own for 59p each. Half price!

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Guest cookoff013

Most local rfd's stock powder and primers, don't worry about hazardous shipping costs as they may not apply if you can source locally.


Shotshell reloading is a great extra addition to the hobby and very necessary in some cases


the dealers whack on delivery costs. just buy either in bulk for one delivery cost or buy effectively (group buys or other)


most dealers dont stock the right components or some such. i have found mail order the best. i order from FES and john, drives up now and again on delivery runs, its saved me alot.

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Or rifled slug / buckshot in 12 bore


Not just a cost saving as with the low number of rfd's nearby I cannot find local stockists


For the slug I luckily have next to zero costs as I cast the slug from range scrap, & have the rest of the ccomponents from buying used presses.

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