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camera and screen night vision

la bala

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I am a newby to this, i was out last night scanning a strip of grassland about 8 metres wide which had trees each side, looking at the trees was fine, but as soon as i came on to the grass, i was getting a lot of white out. Would this be the reflected light off the grass as it was bordered by trees both sides, any ideas

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It could partly be to do with the larger reflective area of the grass as compared to the tree and partly that green grass reflects more IR than the grey/brown of the bark. When the trees come fully into leaf they will also reflect more IR.

Thanks for that, i need my rabbits to move to a built up area :lol:

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Sounds like you have excessive IR for the range you were viewing at.


Not surprising really as there seems to be a rabid following of some all the gear and no ideer IR's being endorsed regardless of the NVD or range they are being used at. :yes:

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it could also be to do with the grass being wet as this can act like a reflective mirror and bounce the IR back


firstly try adjusting the front ring to de focus the led so as the IR beam is not as tight, this basically gives the same sort of effect as a dimmer although its not dimming it,


atb Evo

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This is an extreme example of using too much IR on foliage - just so you know that leaves are even worse than grass.



The IR source was a roof mounted Bosch aegis unit. It was about that time that I grew up about IR levels. :lol:

Edited by Dave-G
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