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Late feeding pigeons.


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I watched the Fieldsports Channel last night and included in the program was a feature on Andy Crow shooting over a smashed up maize crop with peas in the adjacent field. Crow inspected the crops of birds as he collected them up to set them out as decoys and he noted that it was not until 6pm that he shot the first one with anything in it's crop.


Of course that may mean that pigeons had an early feed with something nutritious and that it took the rest of the day for them to digest it before an evening feed to see them through the night.


Yesterday I posted that I had watched a field through the middle of the day when there was no activity and when I passed by the field in the early evening it was covered in birds. Perhaps a late afternoon session is in order for other decoyers.

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As the days get longer and the sun get stronger I give the mornings a miss and just go in the afternoons which if your going to be there till 7pm or longer, for me that's long enough any how. I often find the best time about mid afternoon but that depend on conditions on the day. Like you say jdog you can look at dinner time and don't see much and come past 2 or 3 hours later and theres a nice lot feeding. The field of rape I looked at last night had quite a few going on at 6 30pm so if I am only going for 5hrs I would go around 2pm and stay later rather than go to early and pack up to early........but then every one have different commitments.

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I watched the Fieldsports Channel last night and included in the program was a feature on Andy Crow shooting over a smashed up maize crop with peas in the adjacent field. Crow inspected the crops of birds as he collected them up to set them out as decoys and he noted that it was not until 6pm that he shot the first one with anything in it's crop.


Of course that may mean that pigeons had an early feed with something nutritious and that it took the rest of the day for them to digest it before an evening feed to see them through the night.


Yesterday I posted that I had watched a field through the middle of the day when there was no activity and when I passed by the field in the early evening it was covered in birds. Perhaps a late afternoon session is in order for other decoyers.

Watching my local rape fields I do agree, midday quiet, late afternoon is the busy time. They may well be out 1st thing as well, for all I know.

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I do favour shooting later in the day this time of year , in winter I like to be shooting very early as they are straight out to feed , but this time of year I mainly get set up around dinner and shoot till 6pm or so.


I will sometimes shoot a different field in the morning then go to one I think will offer decent sport later in the day.

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