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fly and feather tying

colin lad

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as a kid aged 10-15 i use to sit down with my dad on an evening before a trout fishing session and tie some flies for the next days fishing

now some 35-40 years later my dad gave me the old fly tying bit's we use to use,

so got me thinking i would like to tie some feathers for mackrel fishing this summer and even tie some small sand eel feathers so here is my question

having not done any for some 35-40 years my memory is vague could any of you kind gents run me through the basics glues and materials i would need i have the hook clamp and the small oval clamps that you hang from the cotton/tying material,

i shall pick bits up off internet as it will work out cheaper than walking into a shop where i am not very well self restrained and may end up spending a lot more than i need,

also any ideas on what patterns would work for the sand eel feathers ??

many thanks



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I'm fairly inexperienced but I use a clamp to hold the hook, a bobbin to hold/apply the thread, fingers to tie the finishing knots and varnish to hold it. Hackle pliers/clamps can be quite helpful and a good pair of small scissors. Tbh as mackerel feathers get destroyed fairly quickly I just use a couple of white feathers and some red thread to keep them cheap and simple.

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thanks hackle pliers that's the name of them got a few of them

we rear and pluck turkeys at work for christmas and there is always thousands of white feathers laying about so they will do shall get some red thread to tie,

you don't use glue then just varnish




that's the red cotton and red varnish ordered

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  • 4 weeks later...

Rabbit skin strips tied straight to the head of a silve single hook can be very effective and easy to put together . There's no need to dress the shank of the hook, just tie on the strip at the head an whip finish with thread. All colours work white and black and all the colours in between.


This clip shows the guy dressing the hook and tarting it up but there is no need for makrel. A silver bare hook is more than good with just a strip of fur tied in at the head.

You can secure it at the back as well and this might give a more effective hook up ratio in stronger currents.



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