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Greenfields - Claymate


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Greenfields at Sturry (Canterbury) have gone over to Claymate as of this week for mid-week practice.


Took me a bit by surprise today as there was the usual squadded shoot last Saturday.


I am familiar with the system from other grounds and recognise the advantages of avoiding a lot of waiting when part of a large squad.

However I did miss some of the camaraderie and the discipline of having to shoot a fixed set of stands and a score card by which to compare previous visits.


I guess we will adapt and adopt the golfers approach of forming our own small groups with a bit of friendly rivalry.



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I understand what your saying about the advantages of being in squads together but I also like the individual option as it allows me to work on particular shots I maybe having trouble with rather than wasting time on stands that I am more comfortable with, I can just practise in my own time and without sometimes the pressure that comes from being in a group.

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I guess I am ambivalent regarding the introduction of Claymate. I certainly agree it could be a pain to wait to shoot behind 5 or 6 others despite an otherwise empty ground. Also useful to more intensively practice problem targets. But do miss being able to see a pair if the first to shoot without using clay allocation.


Please let me know how they are dealing with genuine no-birds, I don't think they are planning to give the +10% sometimes operated on other grounds.

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Just shot a round there with my wife , thought it was brilliant ! Still had a nice chat with Jason ( chap that normally takes you around )

That give you a 10% for no birds.

I like not being able to see a pair gets my eye in for the pigeons :-) but I am strange lol

*that meant they

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm a regular Wednesday shooter there and if the squad is a good group it can be a laugh,I will miss the sportsmanship and the advice a more experienced shot may impart,plus you do get time to see how's best to approach a target,something i normally manage after I have missed them all lol,but it's "progress".what I do like is I can leave a stand if i'm getting frustrated,but I do miss the company of others

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Went to Greenfields and had a really great time, first time with the claymate system. It was great to be able to wander around on my own an take my time and pick my birds. They put 200 birds on my card and you pay for what you use when you finish I shot 125(no more carts). The cost £29.70 you get 10% free for no birds of which I only had 5. Will be going back soon.

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