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Tonights reccy


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Tonights Reccy


Went for a look for some pigeon for tomorrows effort and found


















Someone shooting the pea field I had pinned my hopes on :sad1:


Further searching did reveal another pea field that had quite a few pigeon on along with an awful lot of corvids podding the peas, so will try that bright and early, not much of a crow shooter though so anything could happen :oops:


As a back up I also found a few on some cabbage , so hopefully I may get one or two shots tomorrow .



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Your Peas must be very close to being cut now Fenboy or do yours go for seed ? , our peas are about 10 to 14 days away from being cut but I don't hold much hope they will produce much , I know some fields are better than others but the last time they went in where they are now on the marsh they shot well all through the growing period , but this year a waste of time , Still im sure you will find a few and if you do have a good day.

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I have a couple of fields of Harvest peas and eight of vining peas which are the ones the corvids are hammering looking at them I think they will be vined within the next week.

The Harvest peas are likely to be about until mid september I would think.


I think the pigeon have mostly left the peas for barley now , there are several hundred now feeding on some within 80 yards of my house ! unfortunately the position of the laid areas make it un shootable.

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I hope you shoot a few, Fenboy.

The pigeons have turned onto one of the pea fields I can shoot, in a big way. Trouble is, they are now over 3ft tall and I would have trouble picking them. I'll probably give it a miss for now.

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I hope you shoot a few, Fenboy.

The pigeons have turned onto one of the pea fields I can shoot, in a big way. Trouble is, they are now over 3ft tall and I would have trouble picking them. I'll probably give it a miss for now.

Shame when you have a good situation and cannot make the most of it , its ******* me off big time sitting in the garden watching pigeon dropping in the barley like crazy knowing I cannot shoot it.

My harvest peas are also about 3ft now , its difficult even for a dog to get through them when its like that.

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