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Browning b525


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Held a sporter the other day and have decided to buy one. I'm struggling to find any information on what the 2014 upgrades were, plenty on the game version but not the sporter. I've seen ***********'s reviews, but they must be of the old sporter as they are a couple of years old. Anyone know where I can find more info?

Ok, bit weird that it's blocked the name on my last post, unless it's a swear word on this forum!


The name is a slightly different version of Michael Inchley!

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Have tried the browning international website?


There are few variants of the 525 about at least 3 some have invector barrels some invector+ and new ones are inv+ and rubber recoil pad personally I would look for a used one with inv+ save £300+ and have an Isis pad fitted for £50-100

Edited by HDAV
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Grade 1 gun come in a cardboard box now and higher grades get the plastic one I believe.


I just got my new 525 and it came in a nice plastic breakdown case


Ok at a loss last 5 525 grade 1s I've had from the importer have come in cardboard the grade 6 came in a plastic case.

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