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Winchester SXP waterfowl


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Hi Guys,

I've just ordered a winchester SXP and wondered if anyone out there has one, as I would like to hear your views.

Also the gun I tried in the shop seemed a little short, do we know if spacers are available for adding to the recoil pad ?


Cody 123

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I have just got one, there are universal plastic spacers available on fleabay, grind to fit, got a couple for my sxp and maxus 15mm ones iirc. About a tenner. Realy grind down well and good plastic. If I find the item id, I'll pm it to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Going to be taking mine out this weekend, for its first shots, hopefully get a few woodies and get an idea of how she shoots, gonna run a few 3.5" fowling shells through too, reckon on waiting for a crow! Just going to see what's occurring, and decide to shoot over peas or rape, will probaly be gone next week and there was plenty dropping in this afternoon. We gonna have us some fuuun boy!

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Going to be taking mine out this weekend, for its first shots, hopefully get a few woodies and get an idea of how she shoots, gonna run a few 3.5" fowling shells through too, reckon on waiting for a crow! Just going to see what's occurring, and decide to shoot over peas or rape, will probaly be gone next week and there was plenty dropping in this afternoon. We gonna have us some fuuun boy!


3 1/2" wildfowling shells in a lightweight pump is not something I should personally look forwards to, there is a good reason why 10 bores tend on the heavy side and these are ten bore loads squeezed into a twelve at the end of the day

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Luckily I don't require your approval or opinion of what loads I choose to use in my guns, thank you Kent. The gun is chambered and proofed for 3.5" mags, and my chosen loads are well within the operating envelope.


In my case, I am well accustomed to heavy recoiling weapons. I carried and used on a regular basis.


I am pleased to report that the sxp gets a big thumbs up and digested the goose loads with ease and to my preferences, very comfortably.

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