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chasing accuracy and simplicity with dies

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Right oh,i reload for 223 with my rcbs rock chucker press using a lee neck sizer which is easy and a rcbs competition bullet seater and its working well for me. Im currently in the process of loading for the 308, I need to buy some dies for the 308, but I have seen how easy it is to use the le Wilson hand dies and how accurate the result can be in the hands and right rifle configuration. Do I buy standard dies or start again and buy le Wilson dies and a Sinclair hand press. Im not made of money but I like to do things right and to the best of my ability. Any positive comments would be greatfull.

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I have read that the perfect combination is a redding bushing neck die s type I think it's called and a Wilson seat die.


With the 222 I use the same press as you but I use a forster neck die and a hornady seat die with good results and I use a rcbs fl with the expander removed to bump back after 6 or so fireing then nk size as normal.

Carnt use the hornady fl with my lapua brass they get stuck on the web


Forster reading and hornady don't make junk although the hornady nk die is ****.


I would utilise what you have for now with a good two die set and see how you go befor splashing on a new press and die for one operation.

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You will find 308 a joy to reload for, I use lee dies, it took just four different loads of 3 each to find the sweet spot. I suppose two presses are good if you have the room and the money, I use the lee quick change press and it works just great.


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As Redgum says.

I use a Lee collet and , because I load different bullets I set the Lee seater for some and a Wison for others ... saves changing settings.

With the Wilson I do not use an arbor press but a small Mallet or a leather pad and lean on it. ..

But whatever you choose will be the perfect combo for you

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I have read that the perfect combination is a redding bushing neck die s type I think it's called and a Wilson seat die.


With the 222 I use the same press as you but I use a forster neck die and a hornady seat die with good results and I use a rcbs fl with the expander removed to bump back after 6 or so fireing then nk size as normal.

Carnt use the hornady fl with my lapua brass they get stuck on the web


Forster reading and hornady don't make junk although the hornady nk die is ****.


I would utilise what you have for now with a good two die set and see how you go befor splashing on a new press and die for one operation.

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I dont have any dies yet I borrowed some to do my first homeloads for the 308. Im going today to purchase some. As founds are tight at tje moment it looks like I will have yo stick with the standard type as in lee duluxe set for now,then have a serious think about the le Wilson sets and Sinclair press for the future in both 223 ans 308.

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I dont have any dies yet I borrowed some to do my first homeloads for the 308. Im going today to purchase some. As founds are tight at tje moment it looks like I will have yo stick with the standard type as in lee duluxe set for now,then have a serious think about the le Wilson sets and Sinclair press for the future in both 223 ans 308.

you won't go far wrong with lee dies if you do your bit.

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I have a set of redding competition dies bought some years ago when I started reloading i think they cost me around £100, now your going to double that +, I've just bought a FL and micrometer seater from forster for a 260 Rem, initial looks and first resize of virgin lapua brass I'm happy so far. I have seated a bullet and altered the seating depth just to check tbe adjustment on the dies and there accurately marked. If there better than the redding dies, I really couldn't tell you, ever. But I can tell you there over £100 cheaper.

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