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HMR Hangfire!

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So there I was on a new site last night, 2-3 rabbits already down, another in the crosshairs circa 50 yards away, pull trigger...CLICK-NOTHING (Oh ****) maybe half a second later BANG!


Rabbit falls down and I'm mighty relieved.


It is strange how many thoughts can go though your mind in a very short time when things go wrong.


Nothing wrong with the case when I ejected it (although I have a growing number of split cases), my guess is poorly spun primer, the propellant did the job and rabbit was deceased!

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ive had it happen no end, its not really a problem as i have a good follow through technique ie; i keep my eye on the rabbit till it stops twitching :rolleyes:


Seriously though, it does happen occasionaly, obviously if you only shooting a dozen a night then it would seem to be more of an issue. Ive stripped and cleaned the bolt (ruger77/17) but still had it happen now and again. I just accept it and alway shoot with things like that in mind.


Just thought i would add,


I now alway take my 17 cleaning rod out with the rifle (left in car), just in case i get a bullet stuck up the tube

Edited by Dougy
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ive had it happen no end, its not really a problem as i have a good follow through technique ie; i keep my eye on the rabbit till it stops twitching :rolleyes:


Seriously though, it does happen occasionaly, obviously if you only shooting a dozen a night then it would seem to be more of an issue. Ive stripped and cleaned the bolt (ruger77/17) but still had it happen now and again. I just accept it and alway shoot with things like that in mind.


Just thought i would add,


I now alway take my 17 cleaning rod out with the rifle (left in car), just in case i get a bullet stuck up the tube

sounds a bit like my flintlock lol :-).


How about stoning a couple of thou off the pin stop?

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I think you are getting a bit carried away, my HMR is heading closer to 10,000 rounds, and the gun and all parts of it are kept clean, the bolt is fine, this is the first time it has happened on my HMR.


Just one of those things that happens at times and something else to mention over all the posts about split cases!!



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