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A thought about expanding bullets

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I'm referring to the actual bullets, as bought for reloading (some people get upset if you say "bullet heads").




There is some contraversy as to whether expanding bullets should be listed on an FAC or not and it seems to vary force-to-force whether you must stay under your holding capacity, or whether it's only assembled rounds that count.


However, my FAC states that I am allowed to 600 .22 calibre (but only 200 in .223). The 100 bullets I have just bought, Nosler Varmageddon 55gr (same as VMax, but cheaper) say, quite clearly ".22 caliber". Allowing for regional variation in the spelling of "calibre", I would argue, should any argument arise, that these are covered by my .22 allowance, until I actually load them in which case they would fall under my .223 allowance.



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Why argue Sir. Just send your ticket in asking for it to be adjusted to your requirements!





Make sure you are topped up on ammo first as you could be waiting a long time. Give your FEO a bell. He/she may be able to help.


That's why I haven't amended my ticket yet. I'll drop him an e-mail in due course

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Every force and dealer I have ever bought from has put expanding onto my ticket. The issue comes with Berger match and similar, these are not classified as expanding so most dealers wont enter them, there is then a potentail issue proving use at renewal time. Last batch I buy before renewal I insist get entered.



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if the ".22 calibre" (there is no Regional spelling of calibre!) refers to .22lr AMMUNITION then you would be in breach and trying to split hairs would be futile


I have .17 and .17HMR on mine

it should refer to .17M2 and .17HMR


similar cock up


just get it changed to what you want

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if the ".22 calibre" (there is no Regional spelling of calibre!) refers to .22lr AMMUNITION then you would be in breach and trying to split hairs would be futile


Americans spell it "caliber":




As to whether it refers to .22LR or not, that's not stated on my certificate

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Americans spell it "caliber":




As to whether it refers to .22LR or not, that's not stated on my certificate

sure they do


but they don't in east sussex!!


do you have a .22lr?

is there another entry for .22lr?

if the answers are "yes" and "no" then that is your answer!

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I've got no entry for ".224" either but nobody on here would disagree that buying these was fine. The fact that it's so ambiguous would give any lawyer an easy defence but it's not really an issue is it, unless the police come round with a search warrant and there's no reason they'd do that normally

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I've got no entry for ".224" either but nobody on here would disagree that buying these was fine. The fact that it's so ambiguous would give any lawyer an easy defence but it's not really an issue is it, unless the police come round with a search warrant and there's no reason they'd do that normally


Not unless you admit to doing so on a public forum. :no::no::no: .

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