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Cartridge Scoring- Has this happend to anyone?


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Just wondering if anyone has experienced this before.


I have a Beretta Perennia 3 Over and Under that just recently has started to score a mark on the bottom cartridge. A tiny straight scratch that runs from the primer to the end of the cartridge head. It does this only on the bottom barrel and only when fired. If I load a cartridge in the bottom barrel and close the action without firing there is no score mark when I open the gun. I thought my firing pin was dragging, removed both of them, the pins and the springs are both fine (this was a very nervous procedure! have never taken an O/U apart before!!) the bottom pin does not protrude and is not pitted or burred. I cleaned the holes that the pins go through (not sure of the technical term!) Does any one know what might be causing this ? The gun functions fine but don't want to wreck the pin.


Many Thanks

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It sounds like you could have some muck behind the firing pin, or a broken pin .Some times the end breaks off but has a slight mushroom that stops it falling out, this then drags down the cartridge face and is pushed back by the cartridge head so that every thing looks normal . Take it to a good gunsmith



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Don't worry about it, I've had a gunsmith set my Beretta up like this as with some makes of carts Fiocchi the bottom pin wouldn't hit hard enough. Never a problem with any other make I have put through the gunBy setting it out ever so slightly more it hits harder. But does drag ever so little after firing.


It won't if you put carts in close then open it, only after fired.


Another thing with Berettas when new the cartridge in the bottom barrel can drag against the face leaving a smudge off brass.



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Thanks everyone, I have been told that these guns leave the factory tight. I brought this one second hand a year ago and it only just loosening up a bit! The score mark is more visible on some brands of cartridges, I'm going to keep an eye on it, if it gets worse then a trip to the gunsmith may be in order.

Thanks All

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It will slacken off on its own. It's just certain carts that it happens with. My gun drags Black Gold up the face of the action,after firing the gun can be hard to open.


The Sv10 guns have self tightening for ends so will never slacken off like the other Berettas but it will wear in.



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