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pigeon shooting

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ey up pigeonwatchers


Don and i were out a couple of days ago on a field of laid wheat.


We had intended to get there first thing however driving rain kept us away until 2 pm. so with just a couple of hours to go we soon had the hide up, decoys out and don commenced loading his front stuffing 12 bore.


we have set up under a mature oak that gives us an excellent background for the hide and good cover from above. The first bird comes in quartering from left to right, and as the tree canopy covers it i swing through and fire. bird no1 in the bag....... i love that new gun. Don has loaded now and as a bird floats into the decoys at 25yds his 42g charge fairly knocks it down. i tell him to sit still as another bird is coming and as that floats into the birds too up he gets and click.


Now amid much technical questioning where i question his sanity, memory etc etc he hauls back the hammer again and the chuffin thing fired. so with the gun empty he fitted another cap to the left barrel and watched the hammer fall... eureka the hammer isnt hitting the nipple squarely.... in all innocence i ask if has suffered from poorly nipples before :blush: cue icy glare from aged companion. so off he goes reloading and with the gun proven empty, hammers down without caps fitted the ramrod is soon ramming away and he is loaded and ready to charge his nipples :blush::blush:



So while all this is going on i have claimed another 3 birds to the A400, i love this gun and it is now aged companions turn with the frontstuffer :blush: . A chance for glory, two birds are coming in i tell aged companion to take his time...... dont miss :whistling: and as the birds swing into the decoys he stands up.... click,pop,bang and the first bird falls to earth............. he swings onto the 2nd bird and click!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the left barrel has misfired again and to cap it all the dog legs it out of the hide.


well i shall not repeat the stream of expletives that followed as i know how delicate the average pigeonwatchers sensibilities are. suffice to say he swore fluently and foully at the gun and the dog and just goes to show what can happen if you have a misaligned nipple :blush::blush: i think this muzzleloading lot are a bit depraved you know. so after discharging the offending barrel on the 2nd attempt we attempted to round up the dog who has now done 3 laps of the field and is doing the mobot with her ears, and picking a pigeon up running around then picking another up and leaving the first i leave to your imagination the ensuing chaos over the next few minutes.


time is running short and after order is restored in the hide,don has established order over the dog and completes the reloading of ancient gun and i have accounted for several more birds in the meantime.Dog is suitably now chaste and behaves impeccably.


Don turn now and he adds a final bird to the bag in some style i hasten to add as we call a halt to the afternoon. A very pleasant couple of hours out we shot 15 in total with 2/3rds going to the A400 but most memorable were with the frontstuffer.



Well off for restorative cup of tea, hope you enjoyed reading about our day as much as we enjoyed it and it just goes to show whilst the occasional red letter day is always nice a good couple of hours in good company with a dog full of character :lol: is not to be sniffed at either.





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