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Expendables 3


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Well.....Sly looked as though his face had been run over, a very tired looking Arnie has finally realised less is more, Kelsey Grammar was under-used and Jet Li may as well not have turned up. I'll begrudgingly admit Mel Gibson was just right as the baddie, Antonio Banderas was superb but I felt Harrison Ford was mis-cast, and Wesley Snipes cracked a joke about being jailed for tax evasion. The script was as corny as the storyline was cliched, there was enough testosterone flowing to sire a small town and a higher body count than Waterloo.

Saying all that, no one took themselves too seriously and it was played for laughs with some real LOL moments, there was some nifty editing, the action was superb and the final battle scene was straight out of COD: Black Ops II. Thoroughly enjoyed it. :yes:

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