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Larsen Trap, Best use.....Help


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Over the last 14 years living in my home in Liverpool ive seen a steady decrease of goldfinches sparrows blackbirds and many other birds, its to the point now where there isn't a blackbird or many other birds in are area, incidentally years ago there wasn't too many magpies about, now from my window alone can count 11, and many more as many as 25 sometimes on the field at the back of the gardens.


I've decided after reading about the Larsen traps and the laws in using them decided to buy one and have set it up in the garden. I might have the wrong time of year slightly but iam having a go, iam having a bit of trouble catching my 1st call bird, i even went to the pet shop and and bought a frozen mouse and put it inside but still they wont go for the perch which would release the spring trap. i bought a decoy magpie and put that inside, but they came to eat from garden and took no notice really of it....there very clever lol.


Any help or advice would be so appreciated :good:


Many Thanks




P.S sorry if this has been covered before....

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Hi Stu,


Welcome to the Forum.


You need a live call bird, look on Facebook under the "Corvid Exchange" to find somebody local who can help you.


I would suggest you have 2 perches in your call bird compartment, that way the bird will hop from one to the other, it's the movement that attracts the others.


Don't continue to trap over the Winter, the call bird will die from exposure overnight if it is frosty, start again at the end of March and go through until July / August.


Also, elevate the trap if possible on an old table or something similar, that will help you in preventing you catching all of the local cats..!


Good luck, trapping in back gardens can be very rewarding, I caught 63 in mine from late March to late July, they just kept on coming..!



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I hope you have a method of humanely killing any magpies you trap sorted out.


Humane kill in this case is a pair of good strong (leather !) workgloves, and a willingness to wring a neck. Make sure it's done out of sight of your call bird.


If you don't have any luck with corvid exchange, drop me a pm. I might be able to get a call bird for you, if you're able to pop over the mersey / dee. Though as has been pointed out, it is very late in the year.

If possible, try to put your trap somewhere that the birds can see it, but any passing antis/nosy neighbours can't, if at all possible. If you are bothered by RSPCA, etc, then the reasoning you've provided is perfectly sufficient under the general licence. I'd suggest making sure you've read it in detail, and possibly even printing it off, so you've got it to hand (nothing winds up people like that more than you being in the right, and being able to prove it).



Lastly, good luck ! I managed 15 magpies here this year, and it's made a big difference.

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Thank you for your warm welcome and advise: (Catamong.... robbiep)


These magpies are a real pain, only the other week i saw them surrounding a hedgehog attacking it, ill try and get a call bird either by keep trying or by help and try for a few weeks as i need practice too i suppose in how my process works, catching and killing and looking after my call bird, i was even thinking to get a aviary built so my call bird had somewhere more pleasant to be overnight, not sure if that's a good idea....


Robbiep excellent advise and pdf link was a winner cheers mate....


Kind Regards

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