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help with Diagnosis please


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Hi Anyone experianced this before?


i took my dog out on tuesday, sort of an interview for beating this comming season.

when i got home i was grooming him when i noticed a number of white spots, i thought they might have been nettle rash from going through cover

they now look mor like teenage spots white heads.

they are around his manhood on his stomach ,chest and armpits? any thoughts??


im at work now,

trying to get the mrs to forward a picture for me to put up is proving difficult




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Yes mate did he work cover while out? If so could he of got scratches that got muck in them and formed spots. When my dog had them was day after beating that I noticed them when brushing him out and just hosed him down after his brushing and they went for the next day. But left scabs as though they where scratches or small thorn wounds. Cleared up after a couple of days. Keep an eye on them and if you get concerned give the vets a ring if only for peace of mind.

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You are giving a textbook description of pustules. A reasonably common manifestation of skin disease in dogs. There are many possible causes.


Try to rule out simple irritation (nettles, biological washing powder, unsuitable kennel disinfectant etc) and ensure you are treating regularly with an effective flea control products.


If the problem is not resolving then a trip to the vets is in order. Sometimes pustules can be a manifestation of more serious skin conditions.

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Ahhhhh, dead common when first going out, loads seems to get them - (they look like particulularly squeezable zits?)

All mine have had them as newbies, some Hibiscrub and they're right as rain!



hibiscrub ?? will google that


Edited by Cookie69
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