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EU eCall big brother system in new cars by 2018


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I understand that Land Rover have had some kind of info/speed thing on lots of their vehicles for years, also quite afew motorbike companies., including the Japanese ones so it's more than likely in all the jap boxes as well. Our Kawasaki Versys definatly came with it plumbed into the bike and we don't have sat/navon the bike so it's not sat/nav related. from Auntie.

Edited by 100milesaway
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I was under the impression that with all smart phones they can track where you are at all times even if it is turned off they say that the only way to stop it is to remove the battery.


On another subject computers with built in cameras how do you now that you are not being spied on even when you are bot using it and to take it even further how do we now that our TV sets have not got hidden cameras built in to them so that we can be spied on at all times I like to think that we are not but its only a matter of time before they decide to use it.

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If anyone feels remotely safe having read the terms and conditions and privacy policies for the various mobile contracts, social networking sites and car GPS products they use then I'm afraid they are very naive!


Read "The Snowden Files" by Luke Harding or at the very least do some web research into operations PRISM and TEMPORA.


The US and UK intelligence services have, this very second, got files on ALL of us, they know who we talk to, where we have been and what we have said through the "wire tapping" of internet service providers, data centres, mobile phone networks and many other private companies.


The data is mined by teams looking for terrorists and paedophiles so if you aren't either of these you'll be fine. The data is still collected though, still stored and could be used by anyone in the future to persecute you.


I sound like a tin foil hat wearing crack-pot I know!


Read the book or do some research; it's fascinating! You will be shocked!

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Your wi-fi phone signal is an excellent tracking device to tell where you are going and have been in a built up area, everytime you go to or near any wi-fi signal your phone connects to it and your whereabouts is logged, even walking your dog round the block you are latching on and off to hundreds of wi if signals in any built up area

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