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Emtec noise breakers

daystate 177

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Watching srs on YouTube I see he has some emtecs, I use normal headband muff things but they feel huge and like he says knock the stock on mounting which puts me off,

What kinda price are they as couldn't find it on there site, also anywhere local to Tamworth that does them. Iv had earring oops since a small lad so this to me is no1 as I can't afford to loose what hearing I have left

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Ive had my moulds done for some of these last week. They cost £102 all in (vat + postage) assuming you have the moulds done by them. They said they'll turn them around within 7 days of having the moulds taken.


I also looked at Cens Passive and Pluggs Sonic Valves, which both work out at around £130 each (with the impression charge). The noisebreakers where recommended by a friend, and fitting was closer too, so I went with them.

Edited by Wildfowler12
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Are you both impressed with them as the bin lids I use are great at killing the sound but feel to big and bulky and as my boy comes to the clays now thought I'd give him mine as I'm borrowing a friends pair when nippa comes


Yep - they are fine. My right one doesn't feel as though it fits as well as the left one, but then again all of my ear-bud cans for my phone and suchlike feel exactly the same so I suspect it's just me.


The nice thing is that I put them in when I settle into the hide or when I walk up to stand one at the clayground and I can continue having a clear conversation without constantly having to adjust them. I'm a specs wearer and I found that cans press the arms of my glasses into the side of my head just enough so that after half an hour or so, I'm getting pain around my ears. Doesn't happen with in-ear.


The one thing I do notice is that when I get get a solid cheek-weld in place, my right ear moves slightly which changes the angle of the plug. It feels like it's going to go loose, but it doesn't. It highlights the fact that I don't notice them very much when I'm not mashing my face into a lump of walnut.


All in all, 80 quid well spent. As you note, hearing only ever gets worse - it never recovers from damage by itself.

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What battery do they take?


Noisebreakers? None - they are completely passive.


They consist of a moulding of your ear which fits into the ear canal and your external ear. The have a small insert with a pin-hole drilled through it which slides into your ear canal. The small aperture allows much of the normal conversation into the canal and thus your ear drum whilst still keeping the crack of a shell being fired out.


There's a nice 3d spinning model of a single plug on their website: http://www.noisebreaker.com/


No batteries to replace, no servicing. Just wash them when they get a wax build-up. Not as sophisticated as your 600 quid active plugs, but then again cheaper to buy and cheaper to run.



I should point out I'm not affiliated with emtec - just a user.

Edited by Flynn
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