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vehicles in the field

percy verance

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Not quite sure why you'd want to shoot decoying pigeons out of your vehicle but each to their own!

I'd never park right next to the hide either, whilst it might be ok on the odd day when pigeons are suicidal it's hardly a big deal to park up a few hundred yards away and walk back to the hide.

As an example, back in the summer we watched a guy decoying on a field we turned up to shoot and he was exactly where we'd got previously (and wanted to get). Pigeons were in the air the whole time we watched and he never fired a shot, getting within a hundred yards and veering off. His 4x4 was parked all of 20 yards away tucked into some trees with some camo jackets etc draped over it but still stuck out like a sore thumb to me. He packed in after an hour of us watching, we drove over and set up in the exact same spot and began shooting straight away.....we didn't park where he did though ;) !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't make sense, how can you use it to scare pigeons off a sitty tree or flight line, and then use it shoot from ?

What about the sun glinting off the glass, and mirrors, chrome trim, alloy wheels,

Just park it down the farm away from where your shooting, why bother to go to all the trouble of camo clothes, hat , mask, hide, etc and then park your motor close by, madness.

If the birds are not used to large objects being there permenently it must bother them ! Why take the chance of spoiling a good day. By being lazy.

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my hand painted and unpainted both worked well


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Thats spot on apart from the bright shiny wheels :)

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