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Benelli m2 - stiff loading


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Hi Guys, I have a Benelli M2 12 bore shotgun which I bought new several years ago, it is mainly used for occasional pigeon and goose shooting. The Gun has been extremely reliable and always goes bang when the trigger is pulled. I do find however that the spring behind the magazine follower is quite stiff, so loading shells into it is not as slick as it perhaps it could be.


A friend fired a few shots through it and also commented that it was stiff to reload quickly. The spring doesn't seem to have gone any weaker with use so I wondered wether I could cut the magazine spring down a bit without losing the excellent reliability. I was thinking of buying another spring as a back up and giving it a go.


I wondered if anyone has experienced the same thing with the M2.


Any views would be greatly appreciated.

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Yes absolutely, its a well know issue. Its not a stiff spring, its a stiff shell latch which is a problem. There are various fixed, such as polishing the shell stop / latch, removing it and bending it slightly or again removing it and using a Dremel to increase the size of the two cut outs in the side to make the metal a little more flexible.

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Yes absolutely, its a well know issue. Its not a stiff spring, its a stiff shell latch which is a problem. There are various fixed, such as polishing the shell stop / latch, removing it and bending it slightly or again removing it and using a Dremel to increase the size of the two cut outs in the side to make the metal a little more flexible.

That's useful to know - I have the same issue with my Benelli SBE2. Thanks for advise.

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I have taken the ( extremely ) long spring out to clean the mag tube, I have a red anodised metal follower in my M2 . Mine has a crimp on the magazine tube which stops the follower from being removed, this crimp appears to have been put in at the factory to stop the mag capacity being increased with a screw on aftermarket tube.

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Yes absolutely, its a well know issue. Its not a stiff spring, its a stiff shell latch which is a problem. There are various fixed, such as polishing the shell stop / latch, removing it and bending it slightly or again removing it and using a Dremel to increase the size of the two cut outs in the side to make the metal a little more flexible.

as above. plus, remove around 6 inches of the magazine spring.


its the only way you will get it nice and smooth.


remove the trigger group and look for the small retaining pin that holds the shell latch in place, be aware, it will only come out one way as the hole it is in is slightly tapered (top to bottom from memory)

when you knock the pin out, make sure that you have hold of the shell latch as there is a spring behind it! take note of where it sits.


once out, polish it to a mirror shine. you will see the two cut outs that were mentioned in marks post. you can either enlarge them, which allows the latch to flex easier, or bend the latch back slightly. make sure the bend is between the two cut outs if thats what you decide to do.

you wont need to bend it much mind you. less is more.


reassemble, and give it a try. if you have bent it too far, it wont hold the shells back in the mag tube so you will need to adjust it.


its easier than it sounds to be honest. :good:

Edited by brett1985
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not on a magazine tube spring it doesnt. it reduces the opposing resistance when pushing the cartridges into the magazine.


its a well known modification that many 3-gun and practical shotgun shooters make, and it works well. :good:

Edited by brett1985
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There must be another factor coming into play then, like coil binding or friction because it's basic physics.


I'll admit I had trouble getting my head around it at first. The easiest way to think of it, is to visualise the spring as a long bar or strip of metal (forget the coiling). If you shorten it, it becomes stiffer. :good:

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Reducing the length of the spring (by snipping coils) reduces the number of coils able to exert force on the follower/your thumb and decreases resistance felt. As has already been said, polish the shell latch and cut some coils off the spring, taking as few off as possible at a time to make sure you retain a reliable feed for the last cartridge.

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