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These political extremists need to be expunged


Including this one..






Thank God for King Nige. At last a politician who tells it as it is. :good:


I bet you can't wait for the television debates so Chicken Dave can put him in his place eh? :lol:

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These political extremists need to be expunged


Including this one..




I could agree FM if I could find anything he said in your link which isn't true. I have no idea if there's a 'fifth column', but there is certainly some organisation at work behind the scenes, unless of course we believe these nutters are all doing this off their own bat.

There are immigrants in this country who have no intention of integration; there are people holding British passports 'who hate us'. Who is to blame? Us for allowing it to happen for fear of being branded racist, or Nigel Farage for not being afraid of being branded racist?

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These political extremists need to be expunged


Including this one..






Following today's events and the terrorists links between the UK and France and the admittance of a jihad training camp in south France perhaps the term 5th column is extremely apt, and may I suggest that through his position in Europe and who he rubs shoulders with, he will be far more aware of the reality of the situation than you or I



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Just watched a program where a French woman put it very very aptly indeed, she said every country has a place and indeed a need for a multiracial society, but what they dont need at all and what in fact does not work is multiculturalism, and we cant seem to grasp that there is a difference? and having seen some of the posts on this forum following recent events I fully agree with her, Nigel's comments replicate this, so perhaps at last someone who is prepared to say it as it is, unlike our so called free press who have just admitted that they were effectively censored in what they could print over the recent french atrocity.



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