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Beginner game/pigeon shooting


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I'm just wondering how best it is to get into the game/pigeon side of shooting. I've been shooting clays for a bit now and fancied trying it out.


Is it best to do a simulated game day first? Or is there a introduction day you can go on for novices? Or just book a day on guns on pegs and hope for the best?


As none of my family or friends shoot it's hard to know the best way to get involved.


Any advice would be greatly appriciated



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Money, as always, plays a big part in how you go about this.


You'll find people offering paid (or free!) days on pigeons, here or on other sites. Some of the pigeon shooters might even be happy if you're a few fields away, keeping the birds moving on to their layouts. Someone was offering a day like this a week or 2 back, though I think they were ideally looking for someone with more experience.


For game days, paid-for days on Gunsonpegs are probably the more expensive way of going about it. Again, you may find occasional spare gun days advertised on here (shooting opportunities, paid), so well worth keeping an eye out.


At this time of year (3 weeks to the end of game season), start to keep an eye out for syndicate places available for next season, if that appeals to you. Some syndicates are pretty much pay-and-shoot, where the syndicate employs a keeper (full or part-time) to do the work, some are more DIY, where the members do all the work. Again, price reflects this.


Lastly, whatever you do, you will almost certainly be required to show proof of insurance. That means being a member of BASC, CA, etc.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Yea money's the issue obviously Id pay a reasonable price. What would be a reasonable price for a days shooting?


As I'm new and never been on a shoot I'm not sure of the etiquette of a shoot. Would people be ok with a beginner attending without any experience?

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A day's pigeon shooting can be anywhere from free, up to ... I've no idea. I've heard that some people charge £30, but whether they'd get many takers is another matter.


A day on pheasants ... well, anything from £50 (seen on PW the other week), up to several thousand pounds, for the more 'elite' locations. Some shoots have a bag limit, and anything above that is 'overage', chargeable per bird. Those details should be clear in the advert.


Once again, if you're replying to an ad, you'd need to speak to the person selling the day, and explain that you are a beginner, and would it be suitable for you, etc. Hopefully, they'd tell you if not. Again, if booking, ask about dress code, etc, at the time.


One thing to remember : there are no stupid questions. We all had to start somewhere.

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No the best way really is to go beating then you see it without a gun. Someone shooting game for the first time on a driven day are most shoots worst nightmare. Generally mention it and most will offer to get someone to stand with you

Best bet is to get a regular beating job next year then you're likely to get a beaters day at the end of season ( never guaranteed but very likely). Driven game shooting is a very different discipline to clay shooting and you can pick a lot up from viewing the gun line from the beating line.


Cost does vary but it averages down here around £27 per bird so 100 bird day is £2700 divided by the number in the gun team. But can often be much much higher depending on the location etc. you won't find many guaranteed 100 bird days with decent keeper, pickers up, beaters , and hospitality for much less than £300 per day.


Your area may be different though?

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Yea I'd like to do beating aswell I just like being outside in the countryside. Been trying to get on a couple shoots near me but said they had to many beaters over the Christmas period already. I'll keep looking for beating work try and get some for next season. It's hard to even find shoots in warwickshire as they don't really advertise

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Yea I'd like to do beating aswell I just like being outside in the countryside. Been trying to get on a couple shoots near me but said they had to many beaters over the Christmas period already. I'll keep looking for beating work try and get some for next season. It's hard to even find shoots in warwickshire as they don't really advertise

Find the game dealers in your area and go and have a chat. They'll be able to tell you several keepers names etc. then your local gun shops as they'll know many of the local shoots too.


As you've already found out, Xmas is the easiest time for a keeper to get beaters but I've never known a keeper who wouldn't rather a consistent reliable team I.e one that he can rely upon to turn up wind rain or shine. So when you finally get to meet a keeper, ask him if he's willing to let you join his beating team and if yes, ask him for a copy of his shoot dates and tell him which ones you can do (he wants to hear most....if not all of them) but don't over promise and then let him down as you'll soon find yourself looking for another shoot pretty quick. The keeper is under a lot of pressure to get the birds over the guns and if he has a competent, reliable and happy team of beaters his job is made that little bit easier.


Keepers tend to get bombarded with people offering to beat in January as they're all trying to blag a free days shooting at the end of the season.


Find your game dealers and you'll find the keepers.

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Yea I've given up on this season now really. I thought I had a sure thing but fell through which I was annoyed about. Didn't think of the game dealers I'll try that a couple months before the season starts next time.

There will be a lot of game going through in the last few days of this month. If I were you I'd get down there sooner rather than wait. Make yourself and intentions know to the keepers and swap contact details. Shoot dates aren't usually released till August if partridge/mixed shoot and sometimes as late as September if predominantly pheasant shoot. You can even offer to help out in the rearing fields to help get your foot in the door.


Leave it too long and they'll be fixed up for 2015/16.

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