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Shotgun Cartridges, Colour Coding

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Thank you so much if you have already completed this survey in a previous post. However I am looking for more responses please if at all possible - I know its a big ask! If you've completed it once, you do not need to do it again, I have your response recorded :)


My name is Tiffany Lees and I am a student studying BA (Hons) Business Management.

As part of my final year dissertation project, I am investigating whether the procedure of colour coding shotgun cartridge cases, should be reintroduced as standard industry practice to promote user safety, or whether it's not necessary.

Shooting is a passion on mine, and I wanted to include it within my dissertation topic. I am therefore asking if you would agree to participate in my research by answering a very short questionnaire. I would be very grateful to hear your thoughts on this matter.

Just click the link: http://goo.gl/forms/TplbvxFJk2

Thank you very much once again.

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