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Pea fields


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Are these paid days ? my advice would be there is not much point in planning a days shooting two months in advance as there will be no guarentee that the birds will be using any particular field .


You may be ok if you have a good guide who has plenty of land and will do the leg work required , but peas are not a majic crop , last year my shooting on them were average , the year before that very poor and the one before that excellent .

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Thanks for the reply fenboy,they are pay days (diy) and the guide has around 6,000 acres to go at and will call it off if the pigeon are not playing,there are 4of us to try and keep the birds moving,just hope it works out and the gamble pays of,not after huge bags just a good days sport!!!

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Hopefully things will be ok then , I prefer to shoot them when they are a few inches tall I have found the pigeon prefer them from then until they flower , they also tend tom like them in very warm weather , if shooting them when the crop is getting up a bit movement becomes essential , magnets flappers etc , but like rape some good bags can be had shooting areas that have been kept mown down by the pigeon whenn the crop is really getting away such as tall harvest peas.

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I don't really think there are any tips that apply to shooting over peas that don't apply to other crops. As FB said, make sure your decoys can be seen over the crop. For me, the magic month for peas has been June, closely followed by May. I'm certain that these have been the best months for me due to the rape being tall at that stage and the cereals being generally under-developed at that point.

Best of luck when you eventually go.

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