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resizing 410 hulls

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Do you have a Mec in another gauge,?I can't remember? ( not sure if you have?) If so, you can use the first station on your other gauge mec, just swap some parts over. You will need re-size ring, deprime punch ( this is needed to push the shell off as well as deprime), KO bushing. I do this and it works fine. I also bought a re prime punch, but its a bit of a fiddle to sort out for 3" shells.Not a serious problem though. Fairly cheap solution as long as the used ones have fired plastic wads. If they have done fibre, forget it and chuck 'em. They stretch too much

to get back in the chamber.!!!


Edited by turbo33
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Do you have a Mec in another gauge,?I can't remember? ( not sure if you have?) If so, you can use the first station on your other gauge mec, just swap some parts over. You will need re-size ring, deprime punch ( this is needed to push the shell off as well as deprime), KO bushing. I do this and it works fine. I also bought a re prime punch, but its a bit of a fiddle to sort out for 3" shells.Not a serious problem though. Fairly cheap solution as long as the used ones have fired plastic wads. If they have done fibre, forget it and chuck 'em. They stretch too much

to get back in the chamber.!!!


Hi mate yes i have a mec or two lol i had completely forgotten about changing just the resizing station over i will go and get one today :good:

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