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im asking this not for me but id like to find out for a mate......he has an 04 xtrail,had to get a new fuel pump fitted,then it started going into limp mode,took it back to garage that did pump,they didn't re calibrate the pump,or the suction control valve,he took it to Nissan.they told him that the pump,SCV and ecu weren't re synched,so Nissan did it,had it back a week,and yesterday went in to limp mode twice on way home from shooting.Does anyone have any idea whatsoever where to start looking now,or will it still be pump,SCV its really doing his head in and its starting to do same for me and it aint even my car,i just don't want to see him keep throwing money at it,he"ll probably read this at some point,lol...................DAZ

Edited by rabbiter
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Any fault that creates"limp home mode"leaves a fault code to be read.Having codes read would be a good starting point,some of these faults are prone to misdiagnosis(a fault in wiring produces all sorts of wild fault codes)and an experienced tech,preferably checking live data with an oscilliscope,would be the best route forward:if you can't correctly identify fault you have no chance of correcting it.

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