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.223 application help


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Hi guys. I've got an area of land about 40 acres with plenty of rabbits and foxes on. Just wondering if I'd be able to get a .223 and a .22lr on my first application or if they'd deny the .223 so they can see that I am responsible before
allowing anything bigger than a .22lr. Also would 40 acres be enough for a .223 (its not near houses).

Thanks for the help

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I would put in for both as you have nothing to loose. The feo will know what calibres if any has been cleared for that piece of land. The land will determine what can be granted. Hills and steep slops would favour over open and flat land. Good back stops most important along with no roads or footpaths crossing your permission.

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best bet ring your fao , tell him what you posted and ask him what your chances are that way you will know exactly where you stand

I agree. This approach asks for advice and does not seem challenging when you have no experience. If your area FEO's are helpful it would be the best course. 40 acres seems a bit light to me for a .223 on grant and for a .22 CF but then, it could all be in a valley (both sides).

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I know a smallholder with 11 acres who has a .223 for fox.

I was initially refused a .22 on 250 acres - no footpaths etc. I also know someone refused a .223 on a 15 acre field despite agreeing he would only shoot from a high seat at foxes.

Since there seem to be no standards, we all make judgements on likelihood - thats all I have done. We shall see how benevolent the posters police force are; lets hope he gets what he needs.

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what reason did they give for refusal on 250 acres? ???

It was a long time ago and in Cheshire. The reason given was that there was nowhere suitable on the land that was not dangerous.

I sent them a letter (being very angry that such a stupid decision had been made) saying however big the land was, it must be the person that is suitable since anyone could walk to the edge of the land and shoot over, even on a 1000 acres therefore it was the person who was safe, not the land. I had to try and fight my own corner with (then) little knowledge of the way the game is played.

I was given the .22 though, since I had land in Herefordshire and they approved it. It started a lifetime trend of questioning so-called experts. I have found those with very fixed opinions tend not to want their judgement tested by anyone - especially in the police.

I also look forward to a day when people, not land, is the criterion on which an FAC is awarded.

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