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New ear defenders - napier p9


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One of the guns in our Syndicate turned up with them for the last couple of Shoots of the season.


He said they were superb, I did try them and they certainly seem to let conversation through ,but minimised gunshot noise (only 1 test shot fired).


I didn't think they felt that comfortable, but I have never been able to get on with any type of headset ear protection.

Certainly worth trying on a set if you can find a Stockist.

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I've used a set for about two weeks now. They certainly do the job, but feel a bit tight, and less comfortable to use, than my regular electronic ear muffs. Handy to keep in your pocket, when mooching about and expecting the occasional shot. In the hide I still use the electronics.

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Can't see how they work, just looks like a plastic tube (like the old two cans and a bit of string thing) transmitting the noise. But they must work for a company like Napier to sell them, which I have always thought of as a good, well established outfit.


When I had a hearing test last year (and was offered a hearing aid after), the ENT specialist said there is not an earing product invented to completely combat gunfire, as it goes not only into the ear canal but apparently through the bone behind the ear as well.


I suppose a bit of un-protected shooting in the early days, discos, pop concerts and industry all contributed to my problem, and the tinnutis is no joke, isn't hindsight a wonderful thing?


Up and coming shooters and especially teenagers TAKE HEED.

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I prefer Sonic II's.


If you find them uncomfortable you can get those ones they squirt in your ears for 40 quid or so at the gamfairs. I was soooo close to getting it done on Saturday, but then the cider started to wear off :oops:



I saw abloke wearing these ones hear at shoot last weekned, and they look realy odd :(

It maybe just because they are new, but he was getting some looks...

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