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pear drop shot

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Have you got the angles correct? They are pretty critical. Also, make sure the tray and ramp are up to temperature. If the lead is a bit cool and the ramp cold, it will stick. Two things you can try, I leave some lead alloy in the tray when I cool it down. When I go again, I wait until the lead is molten over the drippers, you will see it stand off, like surface tension. When the lead flicks over the drippers, give it another minute or so, then give the steel above the drippers a tap with something, screwdriver, small spanner etc. That should set the drippers going. I find it helps if you try not to let the drippers get going until everything is hot enough and the ramp has gained enough heat from heat sink. If all else fails, you can warm the ramp a little with a blowtorch to get it running. Thereafter, the heat from the shot should take over./

Hope this helps.

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