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Roe Deer For Luring Fox?

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Yesterday I found a dead roe caught by the back leg on a fence. It may have been there for 7-10 days and is intact. If I was make a makeshift bait station (basically tie it to a fence post in middle of field) do you think fox would find it and revisit it over a couple of weeks OR would I be best to butcher it and make a few bait stations??


Its beyond human consumption and will be tainted with adrenaline even if it was fresh but shame to leave it hanging there if I could use it for luring Charlie :good: ...

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If its only been there a day or two dont presume there are no foxes in the area.Once they get a whiff of some scoff they will travel a good distance and butchered roe carcasses are what i use through the summer.Stake it down to stop them dragging it and once they start using it plan a night or two.

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