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It never fails to amaze me how many people go on about gun fit - I wonder how many have ever had a gun properly fitted - I doubt there will be many!


The vast majority of modern O/Us are ambidextrous with stock shape and lenghts to suit 95% of the shooting fraternity. I have shot for 40+ years with never having a gun fitted and would consider myself a pretty competent shot.


I find when people are looking for a second hand gun they get carried away on the notion of fit, when the real priority should always be on condition.


I have personally witnessed people wanting to buy guns when the barrels have been pitted, I have also witnessed guns loose on the face and being seriously considered for purchase, all because they have been fed the gun fit line over the condition, surely condition must be the priority as most guns can be made to fit if you really want it.


That aside if the six numbers come up at the weekend I shall be travelling a few miles down the road to be measured up for my pair of McKay Browns.


What for if all guns fit everyone and it doesn't really matter?

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I assume not everyone gets irony - read the last sentence "that aside" to be fair there is a slight difference from a pair of hand made sidelocks to mass produced Beretta Mirokus etc, but I stand by what I said about condition over fit, condition must always come first.


Tongue in cheek my friend good.gif.pagespeed.ce.PoYRIVsMjL.gif

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Gun fit has many answers but the easiest one for checking if the gun is close to fit without using a trial gun is


Get both people to double check the gun is empty

Stand about 15 feet apart

Get the buyer to hold the gun and point it to one of your eyes

Check that you can see down the barrel

Check that the holder is in a comfortable fit

Tell them to lower the gun and try above a couple of times


Minor changes can be made by any competent guns smith after that but at least you are in the right ball park


Naturally gun condition and fit are both features in buying

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