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Any one else having trouble with fleas?? Nothing seems to be working! I was using Frontline then the vet recommended Practic (not sure if that's how you spell it) I've sprayed the carpets in the house/dogs bedding! Any ideas??

There's a thread on here recommending Vosene (the proper original one) I tried it and it worked on mine - treated everywhere/everything else with sprays at the same time - do a search - should help.

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My issue with fleas coming from a pest controller angle is that a lot of the stuff the vets sell to spray your house wouldn't go around one room enough....


The issue is when the fleas lay eggs and the life cycles start and all around your house (If they are indoors or you bring the fleas indoors)


The best thing is for getting rid of fleas around the house is Fiacam W or Actibiol (if you have cats...) in a 5ltr sprayer sprayed liberally around the edges of all rooms in house and then hoovered when dry 3 to 4 times with a bit over a week in between... however this is a fairly annoying task and most don't bother. This needs to be done in tune with the animal's treatments etc...

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