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CZ 527 .17 hornet


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Thanks for all the tips guys!

Really enjoyin the we rifle!have had 16 rabbits over the last 2 days from 40 to 220 yards!was quite windy last night as well and only made minor corrections for wind on the really long shots!

Opertunity for first fox tnite aswell but he just wouldnt present a safe shot!but il be up again after him on friday!



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I picked my (very similar) package up yesterday. Hope to get it zeroed tonight for some bunny / crow bashing!!!!





Here's a picture to give people an idea of the bullet size. Left to right .243Win, .17 Hornet, .17 HMR and .22 LR



Edited by markm
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yes very good results....stuff drops better than hp bullets.

im using 11.5grn reloader 7 powder cci br4 small rifle primer and Winchester brass with 20grn vmax


the rifle is a custom cz zkw 465 with stainless shilen 1/10 twist barrel in .17ah....boyds stock piller bedded and devcon bedded.....double set trigger too.


I am pulling whats left of my hair out with my 17AH on foxes. have in the past lost 2 which were well hit, both front bib shots with 20gr VMAx.


Yesterday evening another member here was having a drive round, when walking my dog I spotted a rabbit he had shot being attended to by the only maggi left in the area. 150 yards from my garden hedge. So I picked up the 20 then put it back and picked up the 17AH, 3 x 20gr Vmax and 1 x 25 gr HP in case a fox showed.


I was pondering which case to load when charlie showed itself, but it was not hanging about. It shot down the back of a shed in high gear, so I am waiting with rifle and loaded 25gr HP by my garden gate about 100 yards away. ten secs later charlie appears moving quickly toward me and a gate which was at about 90 yards. I am being supported by my railway sleeper fence post. I tried to stop him but he was having none of that so i loosed of the HP at the front bib. Down he went and was grobbleing about, off went my terrier. Charlie then got up and was running round in circles about 5 yards in diameter. Seen throat shot rabbits to that, when they get to the middle they fall over and die but never a fox. I went to put a stopper in from my garden table but caught the gate on the way. Meanwhile charlie had again fallen over by the gate.


Left it 10 mins and the terrier returned. Went to investigate but have not so far picked it. My terrier says its in one of my pens but things are so thick in there its hard to see. I suspect its gone to ground in a large mixed fox/badger earth nearby.


So in 3 years thats 3 adult foxes hit front on, 2 with 20gr Vmax and one with a 25gr HP, all about 100 yards and none picked. Every fox I have fired at except one that I missed has been killed instantly with my larger calibers. Time the 17AH took a back seat now the avian vermin control is about done.


Just annoyed I picked the wrong rifle, if that foxes survives I would be interested to see where its hit. My guess is it wont be seen again.

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It won't be seen again.

To often we can think a gun is a death ray! It is not!


The same thing can and has happened with larger bullets, just maybe not so often.


Grass or other can turn a bullet so easily. Even hair of the target! Seen that a few time from a friends 22-250.

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There seems to definitly be conlflicting reports about how effective the hornet is!
From reading the yanks are all saying the same(although it doesnt seen to be as much of a concern for some of them)
Mine was bought for long range crow and rabbits so not to worried!
I deal with very view foxes over the year anyway will just have to be very careful with range and shot placement!
Definitly agree with underdog have seen the .22lr deviate due to grass that that i cud spit through.


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There seems to definitly be conlflicting reports about how effective the hornet is!

From reading the yanks are all saying the same(although it doesnt seen to be as much of a concern for some of them)

Mine was bought for long range crow and rabbits so not to worried!

I deal with very view foxes over the year anyway will just have to be very careful with range and shot placement!

Definitly agree with underdog have seen the .22lr deviate due to grass that that i cud spit through.



Long crows it what mine is supreme at especially with 20gr Vmax, have shot them at 70 yards with a galvanized feed trough behind them, never had a mark on a trough yet from a bullet, just blood splatter. 20gr Bergers do pass through though. Problem is when charlie shows unexpectedly. This fox i had seen at about 5pm earlier in the week, it never stands still and is (or was) usually at a trot or faster. Tried 25s on some head shot cubs a couple of weeks ago, they went through and did a good neat job all be it not quiet as far. The angle meant no deviation on grass, there are sheep and cattle in that field, no wind either, it was a clean hit and any of the other centerfires in the box would I think have stopped it there and then, we live and learn but god I hate it when that happens.



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